Wednesday, February 28, 2007

why I hate french beauraucracy

Things have got complicated again. As it is the end of the month I enquired last night about getting paid. turns out that my contract, my convention de stage with avifrance isn't enough because since the rew government rulings about actually pying interns there has to be a special government contract filled out. Great, so my second contract is invalid. This means getting everything signed all over agian which will take more time because it has to be done by post because the fax machine in oxford is broken.

That is before the fun of me actually getting any money starts. With internships here you often don't get paid before right at the end. This of course is hugely helpful when paying the rent. The deal is here if you work longer than 3 months you get paid, less and they don't have to pay ou anything. So as a compromise Magalie, the finance director here, says that if i work 3 months without pay then on the fourth month I will get paid for that month and te previous three at once, thereafter I will get paid every month. This is not an emergency as I have some money left in my German account and elsewhere that I can pool together to pay my rent and stuff until then but it is kind of annoying as it means my budget may get kinda stretched until then. Not that when they do eventually pay me I will be getting milions. I a not ALLOWED to be paid moe that 1/3 of SMIC , minimum wage, currently around 8 euros 25 or something, so about a fiver.

I don't blame the company, I'm just fed up of french beauraucracy.

The new contract has 7 pages of guidelines(short by legal standards I know). Basically it is to stop exploitation and ensure hat the students get valid experience and are not just used as slaves as replacements for proper employees. it says over and over again that this is no a job it is an educational experience which is why it is ONLY available to students, if you are not a student you have to get a CDI or CDD. This is also cleary a way to try to reduce unemployment among the young where befor the companies were clearly using internships as cheap labour.

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